
Greetings Pizza Lover. 

You've come to a safe space. My name is Elisa and ... I eat a lot of pizza. 

I'm serving the best pizza recipes and reviews, plus giving you a little workout motivation — so that extra slice is guilt free.



Cut-It-Out (The Booze That Is)

Cut-It-Out (The Booze That Is)


Bye wine. 

Just for this month.

Have you ever given up something you enjoy on the regular? Maybe it was a specific food to feel healthier or a habit that was no longer serving you? I'm usually one for enjoying everything in moderation (except when it comes to pizza), but this month, I've decided to cut out alcohol from my diet (GASP).

Now if you know me, you know that a glass of wine usually accompanies my dinner, and that I'm never one to turn down a drink with friends on the weekend. But this month I'm challenging myself, for a few reasons.

#1 To Focus on Triathlon

I have my first sprint triathlon of the year coming up on September 30 that I'm really looking forward to. I've been putting the time in at the pool, on the bike and pounding the pavement running, but my diet has lacked focus, and I'm ready to change that. I'm really curious to see what 30 days without alcohol will do for my performance. My goal is to podium in my age group and I feel like giving up that nightly glass of vino (or two) may help.


Excited to compete again!

#2 To Feel Better About my Health

Lately, I feel like I've been drinking a little too frequently, to be honest. And if you've read this recent study on how no amount of alcohol is good for your health (UGH), then you may have started to look at your drinking behavior a little closer as well. I want to feel my best and I want to know if cutting alcohol from my diet may improve my clarity and overall well-being. 

#3 To Get Closer to My Optimum Racing Weight

Calories in, calories out. It's the simple equation that leads to weight loss or weight gain. I'm not saying I'm frustrated or even unhappy about my weight (but I mean, who doesn't want to lose a few pounds), but I'm interested to see if cutting out these excess calories without doing much else will help me get a little closer to my ideal racing weight. Also, late night pizza after a few drinks is SO much easier to justify, am I right?

#4 To Sleep Better

Have you ever had a bad night's sleep and woke up feeling hungover? Well, that glass of wine before bed doesn't help matters. Although your regular nightcap may help you nod off, alcohol interferes with deep sleep known as REM—which can lead to lower quality Z's. I'm curious to see how my sleep will be impacted over this month. 


Don't worry...

Pizza will still be enjoyed all month long.

#5 To Save a Few Bucks

Let's be real, a few drinks out at a restaurant or bar can add up fast here in San Diego. Even if it's just a glass with dinner, if you do it a couple nights a week it can add $30+ to your tab (depending on the quality and how many drinks you get). Not really banking (ha-ha) on saving much money this month, but let's see if I do!

So...I'll check back in at the end of this month with my results (and hopefully a killer race time). Until then, cheers! (With a seltzer water, of course.) 

Isola Pizza Bar Review

Isola Pizza Bar Review

No URBN Legend Here...Just Good Pizza!

No URBN Legend Here...Just Good Pizza!