
Greetings Pizza Lover. 

You've come to a safe space. My name is Elisa and ... I eat a lot of pizza. 

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The Absolute Best Dessert Pizza Recipe

The Absolute Best Dessert Pizza Recipe

Overall Rating = 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕 (5/5)

I went a little out of my comfort zone tonight. I made a dessert pizza. Not just any dessert pizza, I made a chocolate chip cookie pizza that melts in your mouth and makes you want to eat the entire thing! Read on for the best pizza dessert recipe you’ll ever try!

If you know me, I’m usually all about the healthy-ish pizza recipes. But you know what, 2021 is all about changing things up so I dared to be different tonight and make a sweet pizza you can enjoy after dinner. Now, fair warning, I would not make this regularly or your sweatpants might start to feel a bit snug. It’s THAT good.

How it started: I was browsing the web for dessert pizzas and decided to go with something on the simpler side. There are lots of pizzas that feature crumble crusts or hot fudge drizzled on top or a cream cheese sauce, but that just seemed a little too much. I went with a combination of two classics: pizza and chocolate chip cookies. What could go wrong?

When I went to the store, I was trying to find a pre-made dough to simplify things, but I couldn’t find any. So I opted for the only one I could find at Frazier Farms Market, Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Mix. I know, sounds kind of weird, but I was pleasantly surprised! (I’m clearly not gluten-intolerant because I put cookie dough made with flour on top, so this was not by any means a health-conscious decision.)

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Mix

Dessert pizza crust mix.

No, I am no gluten-free, it’s just what the store had.

I was originally thinking I would put chocolate chips in the dough and then bake it with a little olive oil drizzle on top but quickly realized the amount of time it takes to cook would fry the chocolate chips to smithereens. So, I decided to top the pizza with a chocolate chip cookie. I found this chocolate chip pizza recipe, took the cookie recipe and went from there!


Pizza dough and cookie dough

Doughn’t you want some?

the absolute best dessert pizza recipe

Pizza Crust Ingredients

  • Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Mix

  • 1 packet of yeast (included In the mix)

  • 1 1/2 cups of warm water (110 degrees)

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Cookie Dough Ingredients

  • 1 stick of butter (1/2 cup)

  • 1 cup of flour (hello, gluten)

  • 1 cup chocolate chips

  • 1 egg

  • 3/4 cup of white sugar

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

Baking Instructions

  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees

  • Make pizza dough as instructed on the package (mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, then cover with saran wrap and let the dough rise for 20 minutes)

  • While pizza dough is rising, make the cookie dough:

    • Blend butter and sugar together in a bowl

    • Add the egg and vanilla, mix

    • In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking soda and salt together

    • Mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until well combined

    • Mix in the chocolate chips

  • Cook the pizza dough by itself for 10 minutes

  • While the pizza crust is in the oven, lay out a piece of saran wrap and flatten the cookie dough into a round shape (to go on top of the pizza)

  • After the pizza crust has cooked for 10 minutes, remove and place the cookie dough on top.

  • Bake for another 10-15 minutes or until the cookie dough is brown

  • Let it cool for at least 5 minutes


Pizza Dessert

Best pizza dessert ever.

Chocolate chip cookie meets heavenly pizza dough.

We sliced it up and devoured it. The final verdict: The dough was a little soft, we undercooked it a bit (I bumped up the bake time to make sure you don’t experience the same thing) and we probably should have let it cool a bit longer (but it looked SO good!). To be honest, this was a pretty labor-intensive dessert, but I had fun experimenting with something new. I would make it again for friends or family but having all of this cookie pizza dessert in the house is NOT good for anyone’s waistline!

Here is the nutrition info if you’re interested. It’s approximately 300 calories a slice and upwards of almost 16 grams of fat. So please, indulge responsibly.

What’s your favorite dessert and does it involve pizza? Let me know, I’d love to try another sweet treat recipe!

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